Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Noteworthy Blogs Edition I

Over the last month I’ve managed to follow a few notable blogs. In these trying times, us ‘creative folk’ tend to have a hard time reaching out in a unique way and getting our voices heard. All to often we put our work out there with a voice that isn’t our own. Most of the time it is the clients voice. So, I’ve decided to network you followers out into the blog-o-sphere.

Each week I plan on noting a blog that I have found to be very entertaining. Please feel free to make suggestions, and shoot me an email about those you think would benefit from being recognized here.

I’ll start you off with a few to keep your brains noshing on ideas and eye candy for a while.

Creative Intelligence

Today’s Creative

CR Blog



1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I thought the only people tracking my blog were my 2 best buddies. Thanks for the bump!
