Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Becoming a Free Agent

It's been a long while since I've been here. 
To be quite honest, I believe it's been too long.

I'm not going to apologize. I learned once that you never apologize for being busy. In fact I'm embracing it. Lately, in my life I've been too busy; too busy to keep up with ALL my projects, and too busy to worry about it. If some of you out there have been frequent followers, I'm sure you will be able to recall me saying I had three jobs. Not for much longer. I've been working around the clock to achieve freedom from one thing or another. Soon it's going to happen. There are big things on my horizon, and it's so close I can almost touch it. 

A taste of what I've been working on lately ...

... and a taste of some of my personal projects. 

To keep up with my 365 Photographic odyssey, please check out my FLICKR account.
I've been backlogged so much it would be insanity to post here.

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